Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Will I make it? The route.

I have spent the morning with Mandy my "Support Crew Manager" (posh title), in order to transfer all the routes onto the map.

Mandy had already done quite a lot, but we managed to pretty much finish, bar a day and a half. Actually looking at the route on paper, and thinking about where I would meet the support crew and how hilly each day was, really made it very real for me. A little too real to be honest. I am fearful that I may not make it. I know it will be painful, that's for sure.

I have, I think sensibly, altered the route to avoid some very very big hills (mountains), as well. One of the days is now not quite 30, and another a little over, so I think my starting and finishing points each day will vary from what I have actually planned. I can't believe how much I still have to do. I know I've said this before, but each time I sit down to do something for the week away, I remember 5 other things I also need to do. And unfortunately this Sunday I am working all day in Cardiff. Not only that, I am being assessed as a UK Athletics Coach Education Tutor, so I can't wing it. Still at least it will give me something else to think about.

I have started dreaming about Run Wales, although in my dreams I don't ever seem to be actually running!

I am also going to be in The Telegraph, not sure exactly when, but definitely in the Saturday Review. An old school friend is a freelance journalist who writes for some of the national newspapers, so she pitched the idea of an article about "normal" women doing ultras, and the Telegraph went for it. Not sure I really count as "normal" anymore! It's a great opportunity to get some publicity for the run, for the WRN and for the charities though - so I'm very excited about that. Plus it will be lovely to have a catch up with my friend, we've only exchanged Christmas cards for the last few years.

8 days to go and counting.

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