Saturday, 8 January 2011

95 miles this week

Yet again my body has amazed me by completing a gruelling week of running. 95 miles for the week - done and dusted!

Yesterday I ran 22 miles. It was supposed to be 24, but it was a dreadful run, and I just didn't have enough time to run the extra 2 miles. On Thursday I had foolishly not eaten well enough, and ended up leading a power walking group with not enough fuel in the tank. I felt lightheaded, wobbly, absolutely starving and exhausted. All because I missed my afternoon sandwiches (a couple of peanut butter sandwiches mid afternoon is essential for the ultra runner!) The knock on effect was that I was really low on energy for Friday's run too. The legs were fine, no real aches or pains, it was just really really hard.

I learnt my lesson, ate like a horse on Friday night, and added the missed mileage to my run today to make it 27 miles in total. I planned well, downloaded a couple of hours of comedy podcasts, arranged to run with a group at around 9 miles, then picked up Mandy for the last 6 miles (she's a star!) 5 and a bit hours later, 27 miles all done.

I am now comfortable in my compression recovery leggings, feeling relieved I've managed another week's training. Only 3 hard weeks left before I taper for the run itself.

I have been lucky enough to manage to get another article in the South Wales Evening Post for Monday as well, which will help with the fundraising I am sure. The money is coming in, and it would be great to get more than £1000 for what are 2 incredibly deserving charities that protect and support the most vulnerable women and children in the community. If you haven't already donated please follow the links at the side of this page and make a difference to the life of a woman or child at risk of violence.

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