Friday, 31 December 2010

Sore feet, lots of laughing and another newspaper article!

The plan for this week was 90 miles. So far I have managed 84, so it looks like I will make the mileage for the week. Which quite frankly seems both ridiculous and mad. How can a plodder like me really run 90 miles in a week and live to tell the tale???

Here's how - don't think about it!

So many times I have got up early with 20+ miles to do on my own in the dark, and been filled with trepidation, dread, worry..... and so many times I have finished the 20+ miles. So, the moral of this story is, cut out the worry, and just get it done. I have found comedy podcasts fantastic to run to, they really make the time pass quickly. Plus you seem to look really friendly! Whilst listening to my comedy stuff today on the run, lots of people seemed to be smiling and waving at me - it may well have been because I was running along laughing out loud!

Although my detachable spikes have been great for keeping me upright in the snow, they did leave the soles of my feet quite sore. I suffer with blisters on my forefoot quite regularly, so tape them if there is a problem. After Monday's icy run my feet didn't really recover until today, Friday. Thursday's run was very uncomfortable. Due to the mileage I really need to look after my feet on a weekly basis. But that's exactly the kind of thing that goes out the window when I am tired, and boy am I tired!!

Some very good news this week was that the Rhyl Journal would like to run an article on the RunWales Challenge with a view to getting local runners and running clubs out to run with me whilst I am in North Wales. This is fantastic news, as the more company I have, I am sure the better it will all be. It will also be great to have some more publicity for the run up North to help with charity donations.

It is only 5 weeks of proper training now before I start winding down for the event itself. I have said that I won't do anything like this again, but there is nothing like the satisfaction of knowing you are managing to do what you truly thought was unmanageable - it's quite an addictive feeling really!

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